Docta Ignorantia LXXIV

President Clinton In The Balkans

By David R. Graham

The over-all circumstance in the Balkans is the will of the Vatican, which is the fomentor behind any and all Balkan unrest. Vatican is Clinton's political cover. He never would have survived the recent without it. Vatican is a nation, not a church, and is always intent on suppressing/exterminating Orthodoxy aka Slavs, especially in Balkans, which is Vatican backyard geopolitically. Vatican got US to keep Milsovic off Croatia and is now working on setting Serbs against Muslims to further reduce BOTH populations, via US power. It's a cynical game they play, but ultimately Vatican supports right-wing/fascist elements such as Croatia/Nazis (Croatia was strongly Nazi in WWII).

That Vatican is the major player -- and invisible -- in any Balkan unrest is what makes the Balkans a sink-hole that no one outside it really wants to get into. Can't blame that feeling! It is a sink hole because the parties won't be honest about who's really involved. Vatican uses major powers for surrogates, and in Clinton's case the Balkan force is direct quid pro quo for local political cover. Only the Vatican could have protected Clinton from impeachment conviction -- and the price is furtherance of Vatican policy of Slav-cleansing in the Balkans, by whatever means necessary.

Keep this in mind and your head won't reel from apparently bizzare Balkan events. There's method to it all, you just have to understand whose method it is and then it all makes sense.

Adwaitha Hermitage
February 20, 1999


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