Docta Ignorantia V

...that everything belongs to God.

By David R. Graham

Goal To make the point strongly -- driven home to stay there -- that everything belongs to God.

Reason: The contentment and beatification of souls as well as the peace and prosperity of nations and the world depends absolutely on steady, strong attachment of the consciousness of all citizens to this truth, that everything belongs to God.

Analysis: The point has been made verbally, frequently and without difficulty. The need is for leverage, to drive the point home. The thing to be moved is the class of spiritual teachers, clergy and school teachers, who are guilty of dereliction of duty and desertion of station. The thing to do the moving is the class of spiritual leaders, lawyers, military and civil executives. The fulcrum is the civil office and dignity held in trust by spiritual leaders.

Action: A carrot-and-stick procedure is indicated. The carrot is the re-vitalization of YDS as a demonstration project for fostering clergy who will bind the consciousness of the nation and the world to the truth that everything belongs to God. YDS in this way becomes a harbinger for re-vitalization of seminary training in toto. The stick being contemplated would be built and applied along the following lines.

Ask President Bush to attack the Anglican clergy as a class for dereliction and desertion (misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance), for letting the nation and the world slip into chaos by not binding the consciousness of the people to the truth that everything belongs to God. Let it be understood that this is an attack on improper behavior in all clergy and school teachers with a view to securing the welfare of the whole universe, which is the purview of God's ownership, by effecting a reformation of spiritual teachers as a class. However, because he is an Anglican and because Anglican clergy in particular are responsible for the spiritual formation of society's spiritual, civil, commercial and labor leaders, the President is directing this attack and call for reform to Anglican clergy in particular.

Consequences: Consequences of this action would be numerous, some foreseeable. Clergy and school teachers will play wounded and cry "Foul" and " ... violation of the separation doctrine." (Whereas on principle these people swear there are no doctrines -- learnings, wisdoms -- when questioned by civil authority they take refuge in the separation doctrine, loudly proclaiming its eternal validity.) The general population will cry "Huzzah." (They are fully alive to the hypocrisy of clergy and school teachers, detest it and feel profoundly frustrated for having no means of correcting it.)

The affections of the media will be split between (1) cheering what they will want to take as support for their hatred of Christianity in particular and spirituality in general and (2) feeling cheery for the opportunity to tisk a Christian civil executive for apparent violation of the separation doctrine. With the media thus split, a golden opportunity exists to challenge them to renounce their anti-Christian, anti-spiritual bias which -- one should say -- encourages chaos in nation and world by effectively supporting the dereliction and desertion (misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance) of clergy and school teachers.

The so-called Islamic spiritual teachers -- mullahs -- will see a permanent evacuation of their power from the attack here contemplated. The reason: their power derives from their being able to claim the role of world saviors filling the void caused by the dereliction and desertion of Christian clergy and school teachers in general; any amount of Christian puissance with respect to driving home the point that the world belongs to God must cause the mullahs to scamper and their assassins with them. The mullahs are evidence that the estate of the Islamic clergy rivals that of the Christian for life-threatening mendacity.

If the Clintons and their entourage are linked by Republicans to the dereliction of clergy and school teachers [with respect to holding the nation's consciousness bound to the truth that all belongs to God] [as evidenced by the many great sadnesses and diminishments that stir on their watch as civil executives], one can almost guarantee that the Republicans will win the Presidential Election of 1996.

Adwaitha Hermitage
July 30, 1996


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