References for A Programme of Joint Worship

Compiled by Professor Robert E. Hume, 1928


citing the religion, the chapter and verse of the document,
and the volume and page of the English translation
from which each selection is taken.

The passages from the Bible are quoted from the Authorized Version.

1- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, John iv. 23-24 Return

2- ZOROASTRIANISM: Yasna 70. I; Sacred Books of the East xxxi. 325. Return

3- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Ephesians iv. 4, 6. Return

4- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Isaiah lxiv. 8. Return

5- SIKHISM: Granth, Guru Gobind Singh; M.A. Macauliffe, "The Sikh Religion," v. 275. Return

6- HINDUISM: Sama-Veda i. 5. 2. 3 .8. Also Atharva-Veda vii. 14. 1, 2; R. T. H. Griffith, "Hymns of the Sama-Veda," 95; also R. T. H. Griffith, "Hymns of the Atharva Veda," i. 334. Return

7- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Isaiah lxvi. 23. Return

8- ZOROASTRIANISM: Avesta Fragments, Tahmuras' 58-59; Sacred Books of the East iv. 289. Return

9- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Matthew xvii. 20. Return

10- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Psalms 1. 15. Return

11- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Acts xvii. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Return

12- HINDUISM: Rig-Veda ii. 62. 10; and original translation, with "Vivifier" for the Sanskrit designation of the Deity "Savitri". This is a famous "Gayatri" or "Savitri" prayer, dating from more than a thousand years before Christ. It is the prescribed morning-prayer repeated by every high-caste Hindu, and the world's most ancient formula of prayer still in daily use. Return

13- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Psalms cvii. 1, 2, 3, 8, 15, 21, 31. Return

14- ISLAM: Koran lv. 16, 17, 26, 27; J. M. Rodwell, "The Koran Translated," 74, 75. Return

15- ZOROASTRIANISM: Yasna i. 1; Sacred Books of the East xxi. 195-196, combined with Spiegel-Bleeck, "Avesta," ii. 26, and "invoke" in place of announce to". Return

16- SIKHISM: Granth, Hymns of Guru Arjan, Sukhmani, Ashtapadi iv. 8; Macauliffe, "The Sikh Religion," ii. 210. Return

17- HINDUISM: Bhagavat Purana iv. 9; M. N. Dutt, "Srimad-Bhagabatam Puranam," iv. 43. Return

18- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Luke i. 70. Return

19- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Isaiah lvii. 19. Return

20- HINDUISM: Bhagavad Gita xvii. 65; J. Davies, "The Bhagavad Gita, Translated," 177. Return

21- HINDUISM: Bhagavad Gita xi. 55; an original translation. Compare Davies, "Bhagavad Gita," 128. Return

22- HINDUISM: Atharva-Veda vii. 105; Griffith, "Atharva-Veda," i. 379. Return

23- CONFUCIANISM: Analects xx. 3. 1; Legge, "Chinese Classics," Text, Translation and Notes, i. 218; also J. Legge, "Chinese Classics; Confucius," III. Return

24- BUDDHISM: Iti-vuttaka, 27; T. W. Rhys Davids, "Early Buddhism," 62. Compare J. H. Moore, "Sayings of Buddha, The Iti-vuttaka: A Pali work of the Buddhist Canon," 39-40. Compare also "Encyclopaedia Britannica," article on "Buddha" eleventh edition, colume iv, page 744, columns 1-2. Return

25- CONFUCIANISM: Mencius ii. 1. 7. 2; Legge, "Chinese Classics: Mencius," 55. Return

26- CONFUCIANISM: Li Ki xxiv. 9; Sacred Books of the East xxviii. 264. Return

27- CONFUCIANISM: Li Ki xvii. 1. 19; Sacred Books of the East xxviii. 99. Return

28- CONFUCIANISM: Analects xii. 5. 4; Legge, "Chinese Classics," Text, Translation and notes, i. 116; also Legge, "Chinese Classics: Life and Teaching of Confucius," 193. Return

29- CONFUCIANISM: Mencius iv. 2. 28. 1-3; Legge, "Chinese Classics," Text, Translation and Notes, ii. 209-210; also Legge, "Chinese Classics: Mencius," 117. Return

30- CONFUCIANISM: Analects xvii. 4. 3; W. Jennings, "The Confucian Analects," 189-190. Return

31- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Matthew v. 44, 45, 48. Similarly also Luke vi. 27-28. Return

32- HINDUISM: Vishnu Purana iii. 12; M. N. Dutt, "Vishnu-Puranam," 211. Return

33- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, 1 John i. 8-9. Return

34- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Psalms cvi. 6. Return

35- JAINISM: Uttara-Dhyayana Sutra xxxix. 5-7; Sacred Books of the East xlv. 162-163. Return

36- SIKHISM: Granth, Hymns of Guru Arjan; Macauliffe, "The Sikh Religion," iii. 347. Return

37- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Isaiah lv. 7. Return

38- HINDUISM: Rig-Veda vii 89. 3, 1, 5; also Atharva-Veda vi. 52. 3; Max Müller, "History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature," 540, with a slight adaptation from his "Chips from a German 2Workshop," i. 39-40, and with "Heavenly Lord" for the Sanskrit designation for the Deity "Varuna", the God of Heaven. Compare Griffith, "Rig-Veda," ii. 85. Return

39- ISLAM: Koran xxv. 70; Rodwell, "Koran," 164. Return

40- HINDUISM: Rig-Veda v. 85. 7: H. D. Griswold, "The Religion of the Rig-Veda," 124; with "Heavenly Lord" for the Sanskrit designation for the Deity "Varuna". Return

41- HINDUISM: Bhagavad Gita ix. 30-31; an original translation. Compare Davies, "Bhagavad Gita," 107, and L. D. Barnett, "Bhagavad Gita: or The Lord's Song, Translated," 130. Return

42- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Isaiah xl. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10. Similarly Christianity, New Testament, Luke iii. 4-6. Return

43- CONFUCIANISM: Shi King iv. 1. 7. 9; W. Jennings, "The Shi King, The Old Poetry Classic of the Chinese: A Close Metrical Translation," 348. Return

44- CONFUCIANISM: Mencius i 2. 3. 2; Legge, "Chinese Classics: Mencius," 29. Return

45- JAINISM: Uttara-Dhyayana Sutra x. 36; Sacred Books of the East xlv. 45, with the word "muni" in the original text rendered by the English word "religionist". Return

46- ZOROASTRIANISM: Yasna xlvii. 12; translated from the original Avestan text especially for this Programme of Joint Worship by Dr. Jal Dastur Cursetji Pavry, M.A., Ph.D., son of a Parsi High Priest in Bombay. Compare Sacred Books of the East xxi. 159. Return

47- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Amos v. 24. Return

48- TAOISM: Tao Teh King xxixi. 1; a slight original improvement upon Sacred Books of the East xxxix. 73, with the Chinese word "tao" interpreted as referring to the Supreme Being, and translated as "the Eternal". Return

49- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Isaiah ii. 4. Return

50- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Matthew v. 9. Return

51- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Luke ii. 14. Return

52- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Isaiah xliii. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12. Return

53- ISLAM: Koran iv. 174; Rodwell, "Koran," 429. Return

54- HINDUISM: Bhagavad Gita ii. 7; an original translation. Compare Barnett, "Bhagavad Gita," 88. Return

55- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Ephesians i. 17-19. Return

56- HINDUISM: Rig-Veda x. 133. 6; Griffith, "Rig-Veda," ii. 8579. Return

57- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Philippians i. 9-10. Return

58- HINDUISM: Isa Upanishad 18; an original translation. Compare R. E. Hume, "Thirteen Principal Upanishads," 365, and also Sacred Books of the East i. 313-314. Return

59- JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY: Old Testament, Psalms lxvii. 1-2. Return

60- ZOROASTRIANISM: Yasna xxx. 9; translated from the original Avestan text especially for this Programme of Joint Worship by Dr. Jal Dastur Cursetji Pavry, M.A., Ph.D. His book "The Zoroastrian Doctrine of a Future Life" at page 112 contains part of this quotation. Compare Sacred Books of the East xxxi. 33-34. Return

61- CHRISTIANITY: New Testament, Matthew vi. 9-13. Return

Typset by Francesca Graham
Adwaitha Hermitage
July, 1997

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