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La Messe Sur La Monde / Mass On The World
A Reconstruction from David R. Graham
Formulated into Latin by Dianne Onstad
Opening Collect for Purity, I ALL Almighty God, Beloved Kinsman Everywhere are Your Eyes Everywhere Your Feet Before Your Face this life occurs Let us, therefore, always be devoted to You. Opening Collect for Purity, II ALL Almighty God, Nearest, Dearest! You see all and know all before it occurs. You delight in a pure heart. Let us, therefore, always be devoted to You. The Collect of the Day Leader God be with you. People And also with you. Leader Let us pray. (The Collect) The Lessons The Homily The Hagia Sophia ALL We confess the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of men. We hold God in two aspects, Male and Female, and three reflections, Creator-Consummator-Preserver, Father-Christ-Holy Spirit, Truth-Consciousness-Bliss. We assert that God has no second. At the time He ordained, God sent in human form Jesus, originally called Isa, son of Mary and Joseph of Nazareth, to be the Christ, our Saviour, to lead humanity in the paths of Righteousness and to throw open the floodgates of Grace. In and through Christ He saturated the Universe in Holy Unction. Jesus began His adult career as an orphan, abandoned by His parents. He devoted himself to pleasure but soon sickened of that. He embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage, for the salvation of Himself, entering Persia, Russia, India and Tibet. During His 26th year, at a monastery in Tibet, Jesus realized He was the Messiah Whose coming was foretold by Prophets and Seers. He declared, I am the Messenger of God. Later, He reentered Palestine and preached Love. His life was sweet, His words simple. He possessed powers associated with Divinity. He declared, I am the Son of God. Religious and monastic officials became jealous and agitated Jesus' destruction by crucifixion. But God disposed their plan and returned Him from death. He traveled as far as Malaysia, shedding Light and Love. His mortal remains were interred at Srinagar, Kashmir. He declared, I and My Father are One. When He was emerging in the Universal Absolute, Jesus said, He Who sent Me will come again, and He pointed to a lamb. The lamb means Love and its voice says, Ba-Ba. The Pleroma, the Parousia, the Eschaton, the Fullness of the Godhead has come again, is present on earth with the Name and Form of Swami Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The Prayers of the Holy, Catholic People Leader May all beings everywhere be happy. People And may Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love be established upon the earth. (Silence and Spontaneous Prayer from any present) The Peace Leader Duty is God. Work is Worship. May you earn Peace. People And may you also. T H E F E S T I V A L R E C I T A T I O N
Sursum Corda Leader God be with you. People And also with you. Leader Cast off all pettiness. People Our hearts are home to Grandeur. Leader Let us adore God, People And be immersed in Holy Sweetness. The Consecration ALL Almighty God, Creator, Preserver, Consummator! In You all things live and move and have their being. You are the Seed from which this Universe is sprung. You are the Vine and we are the Branches. Leader (Proper Preface) All things everywhere reveal Your Glory, and delight to sing You this song: ALL Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, Master of All Beings. Heaven and Earth are full of Your Glory. O Ocean of Mercy! You are One but You willed to be many. You made us as playmates and companions for Yourself. Life and Death -- the very rotation of the Universe -- is Your inimitable sport. Into this Drama You sent Jesus, son of Joseph, an aspirant like ourselves, to instruct us in the ways of Godliness and to be for us a Savior from distress. By the sermon of His Life, He taught us to crucify the ego, to banish selfishness. He asserted that life starts with death and death with life. He taught us that self is Godlessness and God is selflessness. Leader After He had come back from death, one day, Jesus sat at table with some followers. He took a piece of bread from a loaf they were eating and showed it to them. He said: This bread is a symbol of Me. God is Food. God is Time. When you eat Food, you are imbibing Me. When you are aware of Time, you are aware of Me. Do not waste Food or Time. Everything is Holy. Every moment is Divine. I am that Sacredness in which you delight. Then He pointed to a cup of wine. He said: This wine, also, is a symbol of Me. It means that everything which has blood, everything which is, I am. All Life -- My Life -- is One. You are in Me and I am in you. There is no difference. Leader Therefore, we declare the Faith: ALL One God One World One Race One Caste Leader Holy Father! Dearest Mother! As You promised to Prophets and Seers, You gave us a Divine Master, Whose Name we may repeat to be saved. This most precious gift, the Name of Jesus, we remember now in the Consecration of Bread and Wine. ALL O Divine Master, Lord Jesus! You are the Christ, in Whose Name we are saved. All beings are sustained by the Bread of Heaven, Yourself. Let us always be devoted to You. The Lord's Prayer ALL Our Father in Heaven! May Your Name be held Holy. May Your Kingdom come. May Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today the Bread of Heaven. And forgive our mistakes as we forgive those who would harm us. Let us see You during the test and be saved from the Evil One. The Fraction Leader All Names are Christ's, and all Forms are His. Adherents of all religions may call upon Him. Christ belongs to all beings. The Elevation Leader Christ beside us. People Christ before us. Leader Christ beneath us. People Christ behind us. Leader Christ within us. People Christ is us. The Invitation Leader Come one! Come all! Accept these symbols of universal salvation and be filled with Bliss. The Distribution Leaders Christ is the Vine. We are the branches. Ruminate on this Truth and rest. The Prayer of Thanksgiving ALL Sweet Friend! You are so gracious, so kind, so full of regard for the feelings of your playmates. You Who are all-in-all require no worship or devotion. Yet You treat us with tenderness more intimate and more practical than that of any ordinary mother. And Your regard to our course of life exceeds that of any ordinary father. Whatever may be our destiny, whatever course you have established for us, let us always be devoted to you. The Benediction Leader Embodiments of Divine Love! Brothers and Sisters! It is our right to be in the Presence of God. We seek to understand because our nature is Truth. We seek to be aware because our nature is Consciousness. We seek to be happy because our nature is Bliss. Let us accept the Blessing of God and be ourselves. ALL Amen
La Messe Sur La Monde in Latin
Adwaitha Hermitage
March 12, 1991
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