Secularity and Catholicity

By The Rev. David R. Graham



Between Christ and Creation,
Sacred and Secular,
Congregation and Society,
Spirituality and Morality,
House-of-Prayer and State
there is no difference.

The civil authorities
are also the
religious authorities.

Civil authority, alone,
is puissant enough
to foster Spirituality and Morality.

Those responsible for affairs
are responsible for
all affairs.

Rulers rule
the whole condition
of humankind.

Clergy have two responsibilities:
officiate at ritual invocations
and, operate the Magisterium.

Civil authority
religious authority.

Sacred is Secular.
Secular is Sacred.
This is The New World Order.

Religion, now,
is Secularity.
This is
the church inside out,
religionless Christianity,
Christogenesis is Cosmogenesis.

The Coat of Christ (the Universe) is seamless.


The same God
Christians call Jehovah,
Mohammedans call Allah,
Jews call Adonai,
Pharsis call Ahura Mazda,
Vaishnavites call Hari,
Saivites call Siva,
Sikhs call Truth,
Native Americans call Gitche Manito
and Buddhists do not call.

The establishment of these two principles, Secularity and Catholicity, defines my career between the years of 1950 and 1992. This establishment pays back the debt I owed the natural parents, the church and the schools. It was completed May 18, 1992.

Adwaitha Hermitage was founded in 1968 and so named in 1984. Until 1992, its purpose was to establish the philosophy of Non-Dualism in the United States and to make that philosophy flourish there. Non-Dualism is the philosophy that embraces these two principles, Secularity and Catholicity.

Since Christmas 1992, the purpose of Adwaitha Hermitage has been to reestablish the Sacred Scripture.

Adwaitha Hermitage
May 1992


The picture at the top of this page was drawn by Mary Graham and colored by Francesca Graham. Its title is Mary Weeps Over Jesus' Crucified Body and it is part of Faces of the Incarnation, a coloring book from Adwaitha Hermitage.

Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
Catechesis For The Sai Era
Reminiscences from the North Sea