Material here is legacy-archive. I compiled it into a website during the time I co-led the West Point Admissions Field Force for Wasington State, over the late 20th and early 21st Centuries. During that time, leaders at the West Point Office of Admissions deemed this the finest West Point Admissions Field Force Website in the USA. Much of value regarding West Point and West Point Admissions is here. Many links beyond the index pages (front doors) are active. Not a few have succumbed to link rot. I have no intention of fixing the latter. Use this resource for what it is worth, realizing it contains dated but valuable information regarding West Point.
West Point Parents Club of Washington
West Point Parents Club of the Inland Northwest
West Point Society of Washington and Puget Sound
West Point Parents Club of Oregon and Southwest Washington

For Parents
For Educators
For Graduates
For Candidates
For Inspirations

Athlete Scholar
Warrior Intellectual

Consider West Point
Go Army!