D I A L E C T I C S     V

I ... II ... III ... IV ... V ... VI

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No Nominalist system recognizes much less copes with the phenomenon of delusion.

Every Realist system recognizes and more or less appropriately copes with the phenomenon of delusion.

To expand cosmology (structure), simplify ontology (effort).

The Jewish Homeland is Kashmir.

Theology is a body of evidence, not a body of opinion. It is a technical language that articulates the phenomenology of unmediated experience.

Theology is the only science that treats exclusively of facts. All other sciences treat to some extent, more or less, of speculation.

Linearity is an arbitrary section of circularity.

Anyone who defines themselves by a bodily function is rather at the other end of things from humanity and, ipso facto, spirituality.

Man is a spiritual being, not a sexual one.

The body is equipment not essence, teleology not tautology.

There is no one anywhere who understands even the simplest thing.

Any description traduces its object and any indication points off its mark.

The bourgeoisie content themselves in the ignorance that what they talk about they talk about.


... catholic truth, universal doctrine.

The world will not support clergy. Merge the theological and the medical schools. Make complete doctors.

The Graham agenda is the Teutonic/Templar agenda: world unity through the unity of religions.

One God
One World
One Race
One Caste

Theology is the only science that treats exclusively of facts. All other sciences treat to some extent of speculation and, therefore, theory.

He said it is ... a house of prayer.

He mentioned three conditions with respect to this house:
1- His Father owns it.
2- His Father resides in it.
3- His Father wants only prayer occurring in it.

For those who have no refuge, God is the refuge.

Art and income are equally necessary. When either depends on the other, both are deformed. When neither depends on the other, both are vigorous.

The Canon is open and the Kerygma is undergoing revision.

Is it inevitable and necessary that God should give us as examples of His devotees all positive ones?

Might there be in some cases, even famous ones, something else involved?

There are two kinds of authority: the authority of station and the authority of experience.

The authority of experience can exist without the authority of station. The authority of station cannot exist without some authority of experience.

Therefore, the authority of experience antecedes and has prerogative over the authority of station.

The authority of station is transmitted impersonally through rituals. The authority of experience is transmitted personally through bloodlines.

For denominating leaders, bloodline is the best opportunity we have for achieving a coincidence of the authority of station with the authority of experience.

First we said there are Ur-Types.
Then we said there are individuals.
Now we say there is what we want there to be.

Of course, the truth is all three ... and more.

Ambition and spirituality are incompatible.

Life is born on a branch and grown in the ground.

There is nothing new under the sun.

The fresh and the stale, yes, the novel, never.

Civilization rests on six inches of topsoil.

Every certainty includes uncertainty because every fact includes dynamics, both within itself and with its environment.

Fulminacio Escalante

The Bush Doctrine of preemptive replacement of tyrannical with democratic regimes is the one world (new world order) articulation (iteration) of the Monroe Doctrine.

God is that which knows itself. What has been learned is a doctrine.

Thousands of American citizens wish terrorists success so they can jeer at an American President they despise.

Detachment is
The Fountain of Youth,
The Elixir of Life,
The All-Purpose Remedy.

The facts are always self-evident. If one cannot see them, that is not the fault of the facts.

The extent of their catholicity is the measure of a person's greatness. Greatness and accessibility are inversely related. The greatest ones can be found at all only through their own prevenient grace.

Every subject is the prius of itself.

A full heart and a bouncy step are the appropriate gifts to bring.

Nature or will, not logic, is the reason for being, the ultimate explanation for anything and everything.

Sexuality is intrinsically non-catholic. Religion is intrinsically catholic. Those who define themselves sexually cannot be religious.

The First Coming is the Birth of a Christ.

The Second Coming is the Passion of a Christ.

The Third Coming is the Advent of an Avathar.

The Birth of a Christ is for all brings.
The Passion of a Christ is for a selected range of beings.

The Advent of an Avathar is for an individually summoned handful of beings.


Body is the leaf.
Mind is the sap.
Intellect is the branches.
Spirit is the trunk.
Life is the fruit.
Death is the seed.
Creation is the root.
God is the sun, soil and water.
Truth is the Whole.

Universe is heliotropic.
Panorama is Rama-centric.

There is no free will; only Divine Will.

Every capacity of which humanity is heir has appropriate use in every realm of human activity.

Do not supplicate. Appreciate.

The whole is fully secular, fully sacred.

There is no surrogate atonement. Everyone pays for their sins as Christ. You are He ... That He is you.

Delusion, itself, is delusion.

Politics is the art of making peace by conducting war.

Only vice takes virtue for a problem.

Does a river acquire velocity unless there is resistance? The newer and better a thing is, the more opposition it will meet with at the outset. It is opposition which foretells success.

The important people are the ones who do not think they are.


Creationists and evolutionists are proximately right and ultimately wrong.

Creation is not illusion, but taking it as creation is.

The world is not illusion, but taking it as the world is.

Christianity is in the Solar Dynasty of India. Christianity is in Buddhism. Christianity is a soteriology of repetition of the Name of Jesus the Christ.

The First Coming is the birth of a Christ such as Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Shankara, Bahá'u'lláh.

Each Christ comes with a flock assigned to them but is also a universal cynosure and plenary potency. Christs are known to very many.

The Second Coming is the passion -- participation in the human condition -- of a Christ. Each Christ, for example, comes with a consort and children.

Their families persist through time and experience the vicissitudes and the victories of life.

The Third Coming is the advent of an Avathar of the Lord such as Rama, Krishna and the series of three Sai Avathars: Shirdi, Sathya and Prema.

Avathars are known to very few. They are a lot of fun and a lot of work or an unbearable terror.

Military engineering is the center of culture.

"War [meaning struggle, hard work] is the father of all things."


It is improper for one to present oneself as a teacher of something in the experience of which one is not stabilized.



Nothing every changes.

What might be the next tool for humanity? Could our greatest tool be hidden within?

Can not buy it.
Can not sell it.
Can only apply it.

All scriptures can be summarized in two rules:
What you talk about, do that.
What you can not do, do not talk about.

All knowledge can be summarized in one sentence:
The summit of Everest is marine limestone.


The Father is the Seer.
The Christ is the Sight.
The Holy Spirit is the Seen.

The Father is the Symboler.
The Christ is the Symbol.
The Holy Spirit is the Symbolee.

Life is life-threatening.

The universe is two cones arrayed oppositely from the same origin, described by the principle of a Spira Mirabilis and contained in a chronologically responsive and porous dodecahedonal receptacle.

Scripture witnesses against itself. See Jeremiah 7:21ff. Therefore, scripture has no authority.

Reason witnesses against itself. See the demonstrations of Zeno, Kant and Godel. Therefore, reason has no authority.

Tradition witnesses against itself. See the existence of Christians denominations. Therefore, tradition has no authority.

The language of love is laughter.

The essence of the worldly code of ethics is selfishness. The essence of the spiritual code of ethics is disinterestedness.

Power is in the hands of the disinterested.

The Vision of God is not a Vision of *God*. It is the Vision *of* God.
The Vision of God is the Vision God has through Himself.
The Vision of God is seeing through Your Eyes as God sees through His Eyes.

Spirit is the unity of power and meaning. God is spirit.
One is the unity of power and meaning. One is spirit.
One is ....

The Shema is addressed to those who strive with God. All are Jews.

In the absence of a universal perspective, the best points of view are those of one's enemies.

How would we know that something is NOT adwaithin (non-dualistic)? Delusion is taking anything as NOT adwaithin.

We may not know everything, but we are everything.

As we become adwaithin, we do not redefine who we are or what we do, we redefine what we see.

We must found and fund universities that work, that form God in the participants of the learning community. Something fresh, nothing new.

To understand life's events, we look inside ourselves. There are no external causes.

I do not know anything, but everything is I.

Whatever claims to be of Sathya Sai Baba, Vedantha, Adwaitha or Yoga and is not in continuity with the Christian Church is not of Sathya Sai Baba, Vedantha, Adwaitha or Yoga. Merry Christmas!

Being rich is not having money. It is not having worry.

The news is the reporter.
The salvation is the saviour.
The deal is the broker.
The liberation is the preceptor.
The music is the musician.
The religion is the practitioner.
The yoga is the yogi.
The vedantha is the scholar.
The world is the Purusha.
The life is the lover.
The war is the Captain.
The art is the artist.
The knowledge is the knower.
The law is the citizens.
The institution is the directors.
The medicine is the doctor.
The wisdom is the teacher.
The house is the engineer.
The home is the parents.
The metallurgy is the adept.
The food is the farmer.
The ship is the captain.
The aircraft is the pilot.
The chariot is the charioteer.
The battle is the leader.
The school is the faculty.
The garden is the gardener.
The family treasure is the children.
The government is the Avathar.
The business is the product.
The craft is the craftsmen.
The fellowcraft is the Family of God.
The painting is the painter.
The message is the sender.
The medium is the messenger.
Life is a Person.

Freedom is not doing what we like. It is liking what we have to do.

Liberation and Enlightenment are illusions useful for confusing the adled. Just do your work.

The naming of the thing is illusory, not the thing itself.

Down deep the waters are cool and calm.

To reveal the butter we have to churn the milk. To reveal the statue we have to chisel off the envelope.

The being of God is being-itself.
The power of being and the structure of being are being-itself.
God is the power of being.
God is the structure of being.
God is the Mother and the Father of all beings.

Jesus was a priest. Individually, we do the math.

Who does pause to think has cause to thank.

Sages embody authority and ipso facto capacity to decide which rites will and which will not conduct of Will of the Holy Spirit in the affairs of the world.

The decisions of Sages embody principles of continuity and universality akin to those employed by Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.

There is no appeal from the decisions of Sages.

Something Fresh, Nothing New



The picture at the top of this page was drawn by Mary Graham and colored by her, also. Its title is Mother Feeds the Birds and it is part of Orangeblossom, a coloring book from Adwaitha Hermitage which is available for download here.

Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
Catechesis For The Sai Era