Summary of Consortium Meeting, 2/8/94


The meeting was sponsored by the Washington Homeschool Organization. It was attended by representatives from ten public school districts, from both Eastern and Western Washington, and by eight homeschooling parents. The participants included administrators, certificated and classified staff and parents.

The decisions taken were:

  1. Develop means to expand WACs and RCWs to include alternate programs at the elementary level.
  2. Identify WACs and RCWs which require revision to accommodate this purpose.
  3. Draft the necessary revisions for these WACs and RCWs.
  4. Meet in one month (3/8/94) to review progress, identify problems and formulate next steps.

A general impression of this observer is:

  1. the sense of distinction between home and public schooling is lifting in the presence of modern conditions, which are enabling shared schooling:

    1. economy, diversity and delivery of interactive electronics,
    2. high levels of commitment and schooling among parents,
    3. need to reach populations incapable of seat learning,
    4. difficulty of supporting single-use physical plants,
    5. feelings about taxes,
    6. a general desire to meet children with what they need, when, how and where they need it -- to let children's needs drive the system.

    Prepared by
    David R. Graham
    Maywood Homeschool Leadership Team


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