Summary of Consortium Meeting, 4/12/94


The meeting was attended by representatives from four public school districts, by four homeschooling parents and by one consultant. The participants included administrators, certificated staff and parents.

The decisions taken were:

  1. Reaffirm the goal: customized optional alternative programs K through 8 with FTEs. This goal is to include shared accountability, meaning, accountability shared by parents and district staff.
  2. Seek to accomplish this goal through personal contact at SPI. That is, encourage SPI to expand current interpretation of WACs so as to include these programs. To this end, arrange a meeting between SPI and some Superintendents.
  3. Invite Cheryl Lempke, Director of Technical Initiative, SPI, to meet with us next month.
  4. Meet in one month (5/10/94 at 9:30am) to review progress, identify problems and formulate next steps.

There were some significant supplemental insights:

  1. The natural course of implementing 1209 will moot current WACs and make alternative programs K through 12 an option in each District during their restructuring process.
  2. We should continue drafting a sample WAC to accomplish the goal. In other words, the legal/legislative route is still important.
  3. Prepare to allay possible unkempt reactions of some homeschoolers.

Prepared by
David R. Graham
Maywood Homeschool Leadership Team


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