Summary of Consortium Meeting, 6/3/94


The meeting occurred at the University of Puget Sound during the 1994 Washington Homeschool Convention. It was attended by representatives or residents from the Highline, Bethel, Central Kitsap, Battleground, Snohomish, Bellevue, Lake Washington and Peninsula School Districts. The participants included administrators, certificated and classified staff and parents.

Considerable progress has been made, especially in the realm of conceptualization. In addition, fruitful sharing of experiences and methods between districts operating alternative programs aimed at serving a variety of populations, including homeschoolers, has occurred.

The basic goal remains in place: WACs and RCWs and their interpretation which permit and indeed encourage alternative programs operated by the districts K through 12. The new part of that is the K through 8 aspect.

Action towards this end is now proceeding along two parallel and necessary paths. One is through personal contacts at SPI. The other is through legislative contacts in the House and Senate. Both paths involve the aim to reformulate study and accounting procedures to take advantage of our electronic environment.

In effect, we are looking to drive the car with its own engine rather than having it towed by a horse. The final aim is to serve the students and by this means the society at large by meeting those students where they are with what they need when they need it, not restricted to location, to a building.

The next meeting is scheduled for 9:30 am on July 12, Tuesday, at the Maywood Center, 1410-B South 200th Street. That's roughly at the south end of SeaTac Airport. Usually the talks last until 11:30 or 12.

Prepared by
David R. Graham
Maywood Homeschool Leadership Team


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