Essays In New Being

The Rev. David R. Graham
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These essays, in PDF format, date from 2007 through about 2013. 2007 is the year I retired from driving public transit. This collection bears the title Essays In New Being in honor of that development. Some of these essays are blog posts here.

Front Cover

Apologia Ecclesiae
Chronology Of A Kairology

Al Qa'ida, Hamas, And The Muslim Brotherhood

Authority Christology Motherland

Collectivization Of The Churches


A Crusade Is Called

Deconstructing Koranolatry


Ethics And War

Fight The Devil OPORD (Version Long)

Fight The Devil OPORD (Version Short)


God And Being

Memorial Day 2010

Re-Forming The Christian Church,
In Partes Tres (Version 1)

Re-Forming The Christian Church,
In Partes Tres (Version 2)

Liberation Theology

The Constitutional Liberty Movement

Mohammed Faces Mecca (Version 1)

Mohammed Faces Mecca (Version 2)

Mohammed Preaches To The Catamites

New Being New Strength New Alignment

The Ontological Question

Ontology Described

Outline of a Field Manual for Defeating Chaotics

I Am I Independence, Command, And Control

Religious Practices?

Can Man Save Himself?

The Science of Epistemology AKA Logos Theology



Can Something Subvert Itself? No. But ....

The Gentle Shepherd As Fierce Warrior

The Fall (Version 1)

The Fall (Version 2)

The Uneven, Constant Fight

Two Stories And One Idea

War And Love

The Church Is Power

What Happened: An Insight
The Futility Of Containment

What Is Intel?
What Is Military Intel?

Where There Is Being


Work Or Be Eaten

Back Cover


Theological Geography


Catechesis For The Sai Era

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