A Programme of Joint Worship

Compiled by Professor Robert E. Hume
The Union Theological Seminary, New York City

This Programme of Joint Worship was first used at Geneva, Switzerland, in September, 1928, at the Preliminary Conference to make arrangements for the Universal Religious Peace Conference. It consists of passages selected from the Sacred Scriptures of the living historic religions, and arranged as an antiphonal Service.

I. Let us together, COME TO WORSHIP.


The hour cometh, and now is,
        when the true worshippers
shall worship the Father
        in spirit and in truth.

                For, the Father seeketh such
                to worship Him.

God is spirit;
        and they who worship Him
must worship Him
        in spirit and in truth. 1


We worship that Deity and the Lord
        Who is the Wise Lord, the Creator,
        The gracious Helper, the Maker of all things good. 2


There is one God and Father of all,
        Who is over all, and through all, and in you all. 3


Now, O Lord, Thou art our Father !
        And we are all the work of Thy hand. 4


Worship the one God,
        Who is the divine Teacher for all !
Know that His form is one,
        And that he is the Light diffused in all ! 5


I praise this God, Parent of heaven and earth,
        Exceeding wise, possessed of real energy,
Giver of treasure, Thinker dear to all,
        Whose splendour is sublime,
Whose light shone brilliant in creation,
        Who in His beauty made the sky. 6

II. Let us, each in silence, HEAR GOD SPEAK.

"All flesh shall come to worship before ME." 7

"I, the Wise Lord, am closer to that
        which all the bodily world thinketh, speaketh and worketh
than the nose is to the ears
        or the ears are to the mouth." 8

"Where two or three are gathered together in MY name,
        there am I in the midst of them." 9

"Call upon ME in the day of trouble.
        I will deliver thee.
                And thou shalt glorify ME." 10



        God, Who made the world and all things therein, ---
He is the Lord of heaven and earth.
        To all He giveth life and breath and all things.
Of one blood He hath made all nations of men
        for to dwell on all the face of the earth;
That they should see the Lord,
        if haply they might feel after Him and find Him,
Though He is not far from every one of us.
        In Him we live, and move, and have our being.
We are also His offspring. 11


Let us meditate upon the adorable glory of the divine Vivifier,
        And may He Himself direct our thoughts ! 12


O give thanks unto the Lord; for, He is good;
        For, His mercy endureth for ever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
        Whom He hath redeemed from out of the lands,
From the east and from the west,
        From the north and from the south.
They cried unto the Lord in their trouble;
        And He led them forth by the right way.
Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness,
        And for His wonderful works to the children of men ! 13


He is the Lord of the east.
        He is the Lord of the west.
All on the earth shall pass way.
        But the face of the Lord shall abide,
Resplendent with majesty and glory. 14


I invite and invoke
        the Wise Lord, the Creator,
        the radiant and glorious,
        the greatest and the best,
        the most beautiful, most firm, most wise,
        Who attains His ends the most infallibly
                because of His righteous order,
        Who disposes our minds aright,
        Who sends His joy-creating grace afar,
        Who made us, and has fashioned us,
        Who has nourished us, and protected us,
        Who is the most bounteous spirit ! 15


Thou art the Lord !
        Soul and body are all Thy property.
Thou art the mother and father;
        We are Thy children.

By Thy favour we obtain many comforts.
        Nobody knoweth Thy limit.
O God, Thou art the most exalted of the exalted !
        The whole creation is upheld by Thy law ! 16


O Infinite !  My prayer is this:
        "For the purpose of listening to themes touching Thee,
May I associate with those noble souls
        Who for ages cherish Thee with veneration !" 17


He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets
        who have been since the world began. 18

IV. Let us, each in silence, HEAR GOD SPEAK.

"Peace, peace to him who is far off,
        and to him who is near !
                And I will heal him." 19

"Devote thy heart to ME.  Worship ME.
        Sacrifice to ME.  Bow down before ME.
So shalt thou come to ME.
        I promise thee truly, thou art dear to ME." 20

"That man doth truly come to ME
        Whose every act is done for ME,
Who holdeth ME as the Supreme,
        Who worships ME with hate towards none." 21



Making the heavenly word thy choice,
        with all thy friends address thyself
                to furthering and guiding men. 22


It is impossible to be a superior man
        without recognizing the ordinances of Heaven. 23


All the means that can be used as bases for doing right
        are not worth the sixteenth part of
        the emancipation of the heart through love.
                That takes up all those into itself,
                outshining them in radiance and glory.

Just as whatsoever stars there are, their radiance avails not
        the sixteenth part of the radiance of the moon.
                That takes up all those into itself,
                outshining them in radiance and glory;

Just as the sun, mounting up on high
        into the clear and cloudless sky,
        overwhelms all darkness in the realms of space,
                and shines forth in radiance and glory;

Just as in the night, when dawn in breaking,
        the morning start shines out in radiance and glory;

Just so all the means that can be used as helps
        towards doing right, avail not the sixteenth part of
                the emancipation of the heart through love. 24


Benevolence is the most honourable dignity conferred by Heaven. 25


The superior man commences with respect as the basis of love.
        To neglect respect, is to leave affection unprovided for.
Without loving, there is no real union.
        Without respect, the love will not be correct. 26


In all within the four seas
        there must be mutual respect and love. 27

All within the four seas are brothers. 28


That whereby the superior man is distinguished from other men is
        what he preserves in his heart, namely, benevolence and propriety.
The benevolent man loves others.
        The man of propriety shows respect to others.
He who love others, is constantly loved by them.
        He who respects others, is constantly respected by them. 29


Let the superior man learn the right principles;
        and he will be loving to other men. 30


Love your enemies.  Bless them who curse you.
        Do good to them who hate you.
And pray form them who despitefully use you
        and persecute you;
that ye may be the children of your Father
        Who is in heaven.

For, He maketh His sun to rise
        on the evil and on the good,
and sendeth rain on the just
        and on the unjust.
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father
        Who is in heaven is perfect. 31


Final emancipation is in his grasp
        Who is sinless towards them who commit mischief by him,
Who speaks amicably to them who use harsh words,
        And whose soul melteth with benevolence. 32



If we say that we have no sin,
        we deceive ourselves;
                and the truth is not in us.

If we confess our sins,
        He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
                and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 33


We have sinned, with our fathers.
        We have committed iniquity.
                We have done wickedly. 34


By confession of sins
        the soul gets rid of the thorns,
        as it were, of deceit and wrong belief
        which obstruct the way to liberation of soul,
                and obtains simplicity.

By repenting of one's sins
        the soul obtains repentance,
                and obtains an ascending scale of virtues.

By repenting of one's sins
        the soul obtains humiliation.

By moral and intellectual purity
        the soul ceases from sinful occupations. 35


Hear my supplication, O my Lord God,
        Though I am full of millions of sins !
Nevertheless, I am Thy slave,
        O Thou merciful dispeller of grief !
Fascinating, Destroyer of trouble and anxiety,
        I seek Thy protection !  Protect mine honour ! 36


Let the wicked forsake his way,
        and the unrighteous man his thoughts.
Let him return unto the Lord;
        and He will have mercy upon him,
And to our God,
        for He will abundantly pardon. 37


Thou strong and bright God !
        Through want of strength have I gone wrong.
                Have mercy, Almighty !  Have mercy !

Let me not yet, O Heavenly Lord,
        Enter into the house of clay !
                Have mercy, Almighty !  Have mercy !

O Heavenly Lord !  Whenever we men commit an offence,
        Whenever we break the law through thoughtlessness,
                Have mercy, Almighty !  Have mercy ! 38


Those who shall repent and believe, and do righteous works, ---
        for them shall God change their evil things into good things;
                for God, is gracious, merciful. 39


Whatever trespass we have perpetrated
        Against a friend, companion, or a brother,
A fellow tribesman, or against a stranger, ---
        From that do Thou, O Heavenly Lord, release us ! 40

VII. Let us, each in silence, HEAR GOD SPEAK.

"Who worships ME devotedly,
        However sinful he may be, ---
He is to be accounted good,
        Because he is of right resolve.

"Soon he becomes a pious soul,
        And he cometh to eternal peace.
My devotee shall perish not." 41



        Saith your God:

"Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
        Make straight a highway for our God.
The crooked shall be made straight,
        And the rough places plain.

"And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.
        And all flesh shall see it together.
The grass withereth; the flower fadeth.
        But the word of our God shall stand for ever.

"Lift up your voice with strength.
        Lift it up; be not afraid.
Say unto the cities: 'Behold your God !
        'Behold, the Lord God will come with strong arm !' " 42


The majesty of Heaven
        Both night and day
Will I revere, and hold
        To this good way. 43


He who stands in awe of Heaven
        will affect with his love and protection his own kingdom.
He who delights in Heaven
        will affect with his love and affection the whole empire. 44

An enlightened and liberal religionist
        should preach unto all people the road to peace. 45


These then shall be the saviours of the lands
        Who by their deeds unite with good thought and the right
For the fulfillment of Thy word, O God !
        For, those are the ordained opponents of violence. 46


Let justice roll down as waters,
        and righteousness like a mighty stream. 47

Weapons, however successful, are unblessed implements,
        detestable to every creature.
Therefore he who has the Eternal
        will not employ them. 48


They shall beat their swords into plough-shares,
        and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation;
        neither shall they learn war any more. 49


Blessed are the peace-makers;
        for, they shall be called the children of God. 50


Glory to God in the highest !
        And on earth peace, good-will among men ! 51

IX. Let us, each in silence, HEAR GOD SPEAK.

"Fear not; for, I have redeemed thee.
        I have called thee by thy name.
Thou art MINE.  I have loved thee.
        Fear not; for, I am with thee.

"I will bring thy seed from the east,
        And gather thee from the west.
I will say to the north, 'Give up !'
        And to the south, 'Keep not back !'

"Bring MY sons from far,
        And MY daughters from the ends of the earth.
Every one who is called by MY name, ---
        I have created him; I have formed him.

"Let all the nations be gathered together.
        And let the people be assembled together.
Ye are MY witnesses," saith the Lord,
        "That ye may know, and believe ME.

"I have declared, and have saved.
        Therefore ye are MY witnesses,"
                saith the Lord. 52



As to those who believe in God, and lay hold on Him, ---
        these will He cause to enter into His grace and mercy.
                And He will guide them along the straight way unto Himself. 53


My mind confused about duty, I do implore Thee.
        Tell me clearly the thing which is best !
I am Thy disciple.  Teach me
        Who for refuge have come unto Thee ! 54


	May God, the Father of glory, give unto you
the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,
        the eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
that ye may know what is the hope of His calling
        and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints
and the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe. 55


Close to Thy friendship do we cling,
        O God !  And do depend on Thee !
Lead us beyond all pain and grief
        Along the path of holy law ! 56


        And this I pray, that your love may abound
yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;
        that ye may approve things which are excellent;
that ye may be sincere and without offence. 57


O God, Thou Who knowest all ways !
        Lead us by a goodly path to prosperity !
Keep far from us crooked-going sin !
        We would render to Thee most ample expression of adoration. 58


God be merciful to us, and bless us,
        And cause His face to shine upon us,
That Thy way may be known upon earth,
        Thy saving health among all nations ! 59


May we ourselves be they who help to make this world progress !
        And where faith may be faltering, do Thou,
O Wise Lord, and the Right, bring hither you companionship,
        In order that our minds may be united ! 60


        Our Father Who art in Heaven !
Hallowed by Thy name !
        Thy Kingdom come !
Thy will be done in earth,
        as it is in heaven !
Give us this day
        our daily bread !
And forgive us our debts,
        as we forgive our debtors !
And lead us, not into temptation !
        But deliver us from evil !
For Thine is the kingdom and the power
        and the glory for ever !  Amen ! 61

Typset by Francesca Graham
Adwaitha Hermitage
July, 1997

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Phenomena to Study (Poland)
Catechesis For The Sai Era