Religion Relations

The Rev. David R. Graham
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These essays date from the 2000s, after Moslem murderer-suicides hijacked American airplanes filled with Americans and flew them into buildings in the American cities of New York and Washington D.C. The objective motivating these essays was to study and believe -- tardily, it must be said -- phenomenology of that attack, and of its consequences, so as to counsel wisely regarding responses to it. Near the end of this list is what could pass for a summation of the effort, titled Corpus Christianum And Muslim Ummah

Synopsis And Introduction

Leadership In The Middle East

The Nature Of Terrorists

World War IV Has Commenced

Where Is The Church?

An Era Of Sanathana Dharma

Some Considerations Of Military Operations And Statecraft In The Middle East

The Tyranny Of Pederasty, Left And Right

Idolatry Of The Koran

To Religion Parks From Religion Wars
Religion Parks Briefing

An Application Of Theological Geography

The Protestant Principle And The Reform Of Islam

Are We Going To Get Squished?

Amplification Of The Briefing, To Religion Parks From Religion Wars

Response To Mr. Aziz Junejo

A Prophetic/Theological Condemnation Of Koranolatry and Bibliolatry

Religion Is ..... And Is Not

Good News

Parsing Islamo-Babble As Double-Speak, And, That Which Commands And Threatens Islam

Religions, Nations And Governments

Distinguishing Between Genuine And Demonic Clergy And Scholars

Distinguishing Between Genuine And Demonic Religions

A Tempting Identification

Coming Soon From CAIR And Qom

Why The SmartCards On Genuine And Demonic Clergy, Scholars and Religions


Terms Of Reference: Secular, Not Religious

Imams Are Demonic Clergy: Quiet Them

Acquaint Gang Lords With The Blessedness Of Quietude

Yes   And   No

"Be Fair!" And "What's That?"

Distinguishing The Problem From The Trouble In The Middle East

Corpus Christianum And Muslim Ummah



Theological Geography


Catechesis For The Sai Era