One Thing

Logia from The Rev. David R. Graham


There is one thing which, when known, all else is known. What that one thing is cannot be said or written. It cannot be seen. It is different for each person.

That one thing is 'the pearl of great price.' It is the Philosopher's Stone. It is the one thing which should be sought, and finding which, all else is given to one.

All Is Number. Eadem Mutata Resurgo Truth Has No Second. All Time-Fields Are Concurrent. No Given Is A Member Of A Single-Member Set. A Thing And Its Nature Is One And The Same. There Is No One Who Owns The House They Live In. There Are No Symbols, Only Leelas. Truth Is Not A-Symptotic. It Cannot Be Measured By A Standard External To Itself. Revelation Is Truth Presented In And For Itself By The Penetrating Purity Of Sages. Truth Belongs To The Pure In Heart. The Purpose Of Life Is To Laugh To Dance And To Sing. Everything Is Food For Something. This Is The Place That The Time To Come Has Gone To. Almost Everyone Knows What's Right And What's Wrong. Those Who Don't Are Imprisoned Or Killed. The Issue Never Is Knowing The Truth. The Issue Is Doing It. Times Change. But The Affairs Of Life Remain Always Personal. One Who Uses The Genitive Case Cannot Expect To Be Taken Seriously. Between Right And Wrong Only Wrong Thinks There Is A Contest. We Are Sons And Daughters Of Immortality. Let Us Not Be Common. Whatever Happens Has A Cause. There Are No Causeless Effects. There Are No Effectless Causes. The Sacraments Of The Church Are Effective Only In The Presence Of An Existential Transformation Which They Can Shape But Cannot Produce. Triple Predestination: Some He Destines For Heaven; Some He Destines For Hell; All Will Be Saved. There Is No Isolated System. Mathematics Is The Semantics Not The Syntax Of Phenomena
Adwaitha Hermitage
June 16, 1993

The picture at the top of this page was drawn by Mary Graham and colored by her, also. Its title is Descent Into Hell and it is part of Morning Star, a coloring book from Adwaitha Hermitage.

Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
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