TRIMURTHI: The Holy Trinity

A Detailing from The Rev. David R. Graham

Thamas Rajas Sathwa
Torpor Excitement Equanimity
Inertia Activity Calm
I am in the Light. The Light is in me. I am the Light.
Brahma Siva Vishnu
Dualism Qualified Non-Dualism Non-Dualism
Creation Destruction Preservation
Involution Devolution Evolution
I am the Messenger of God. I am the Son of God. I and my Father are One.
Father Christ Holy Spirit
Waking State Dream State Deep Sleep State
Elemental Principles Inner Principle of Duality Point Limit
Self-Confidence Self-Satisfaction Self-Sacrifice
No know. Know no. No no.
Body Mind Spirit
Unconscious Conscious Conscience
Homoiousias Homoousias Ousias
I am a person. I am an extension of Divinity. I am Brahman.
Karma Yoga Bhakthi Yoga Jnana Yoga
Works Devotion Wisdom
Laity Clergy Religious
Worship Education Service
Creation Consummation Preservation
Parvathi Saraswathi Lakshmi
Shristi Sthithi Laya
Emergence Mergence Sustenance
DaSoHam SoHam (A)Ham
Source Stream Ocean
Gross Subtle Causal
Husk Shell Kernel
Thought Word Deed
Earth Sky Ego
(with respect to Vamana Avathar)
Take one step toward Swami. Swami takes ten steps toward you. No need for any more steps.

Adwaitha Hermitage
February 27, 1992

The picture at the top of this page was drawn by Mary Graham and colored by her, also. Its title is Triple Predestination and it is part of Faces of the Incarnation, a coloring book from Adwaitha Hermitage. The text inside the picture reads: "Some He destines for Heaven... And some for Hell ... All will be Saved."

Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
Catechesis For The Sai Era
Reminiscences from the North Sea