West Point on the World Wide Web

West Point Parents Club of the Delaware Valley


The world wide web abounds with sites related directly or indirectly to West Point and to the U.S. Army at large. This article will outline some of the most useful sites to those seeking more information on West Point and the Army.

The obvious starting point is, of course, the West Point web site at http://www.usma.edu. On this page there are numerous links to useful information, items such as: "About the Academy", a brief overview of the mission of the Academy and the various training programs; links to more detailed information on the academic, physical and military programs, as well as athletics (intramural and corps squad), cadet life, and admissions. One particularly useful link is the one entitled "Search/Reference" where one can search for the email addresses of current cadets, and search the West Point Master Schedule for upcoming events. The home page itself contains photographs and news headlines to recent events; since the home page is updated at least once per week it pays to visit this site regularly.

Another official West Point site, still active, is the Bicentennial site at http://www.usma.edu/bicentennial. There's some nice historical information on the Academy here.

One extremely interesting site is called Virtual West Point and can be called up at http://www.virtualwp.org/. Here you may replay such items as last year's graduation ceremonies, to include the entire commencement speech by the Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush; the 2001 and 2002 Acceptance Day parades; Army-Navy Game highlights; the audio of Gen. MacArthur's classic Duty, Honor, Country speech; various tours at West Point and of the Smithsonian West Point Exhibit; and lots of other neat stuff. This is definitely one to check out if you have a lot of time to kill!

For those who are interested, the West Point Preparatory School at Fort Monmouth, NJ (i.e. USMAPS) has a web page at http://www.usma.army.mil/USMAPS/ .

And then there is West-Point.Org, the organization that manages more than 300 listservers in support of most USMA classes, 51 West Point Societies, 41 West Point Parents Clubs and other parent sites. The starting point for WP-ORG is http://www.west-point.org/.

At this page you can choose from a number of links giving much more detail on the scope of WP-ORG services, as well as links to the Grad Store, multimedia (speeches and music), a primer on antivirus protection, links to various USMA (e.g. sports, the Pointer View weekly newspaper, History of the Military Art) and Army (e.g. Army homepage) websites, the Google search engine, and to the Fox, CNN, and ESPN news services. There are also links to West Point related screen savers and USMA "wallpaper". Another good one to check out.

Among the several parents lists supported by WP-ORG is the West Point Parents Net, or WPP-NET for short. This is the net used by our parent moderators to pass "hard news" information to all parents who have an e-mail address in the west-point.org system. WPP-NET is a closed net and the only person who can post messages to this net is the WPP-NET moderator. This net operates on a "push" system. The moderators push the information out to you unsolicited as they learn of news from West Point. This net is not a "chat" net. It is for information only.

For WPP-NET go to http://www.west-point.org/parent/wpp-net/ (again, lots of useful links here, and a "Subscribe Now" button). If you want to chat with other parents then you need to subscribe to parent-forum at http://www.west-point.org/parent/parent-forum/. There are several unique links here, to include the Countdown Clocks to graduation (at least for the three upperclasses - for Plebes the countdown to graduation is "Infinity and a Butt"!); class crests; and a wealth of information available through the "Resources" page.

The Resources page is a MUST check it out page ( http://www.west-point.org/parent/wpp-net/faq/ ). Most of our routine questions are addressed here.

The West Point Association of Graduates (AOG) has a nice site that can be seen at http://www.aog.usma.edu. Here you can find articles from the current Assembly magazine, the official publication for AOG members, and transcripts of speeches of recent Thayer Award recipients (see AOG Awards).



