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Contrapunctus XXIII
By David R. Graham
Military Force and Police Force
Nature and Mission
The discussion was whether military force is different in nature and mission from police force. Traditionally these forces are seen as different. The argument put against this traditional understanding was that, since war itself is unacceptable, West Point and the United States Army, the foci of the discussion, are part of "the Templars" and must function as a police force. This argument was challenged with the point that the natures (orders of lethality and lines of accountability) and missions (obliteration vs. arrest) of military forces and police forces are typologically different, they are incomparable. Grant was made that in limited, temporary circumstances -- for example by NATO -- military force can legitimately be used as police force. It was pointed out that the Templars were a military force, not a police force, comprised of monastics. This challenge was met with this language:
to which the following response was made, and not rebutted: This language is from a member of a secret society, not an exegete. An exegete would mention that transparency is the condition of lions and lambs lying down together, a world sans secret societies, arrogance and the pretense of rule. Lions and lambs lying together is not the reason here for proposing the military as a police force. The goal of a secret society is domination, its pretense is knowledge and the ability to reign confusion in the general populace. Lions and lambs won't lie together in that context, unless they all are members of the secret society, which then isn't secret. Lions and lambs will lie down together when the Army stands guard over them to keep away secret societies and all other precious interests. Secret societies and religion are incompatible, as theologians have maintained for generations. (I hope you will not try to compare monastic orders to secret societies: one is self-chosen (active) from among the generality of humanity truly without regard to family, wealth, etc, the other is tapped (passive) from among an already narrow band of a population. One identifies with the commonality of humanity, the other with the commonality of fellow society members. No Christian can be a member of a secret society. Bill Coffin's career proved this point.) The Knights Templar disbanded in the 14th Century after having accomplished their goal. There are no Templars today. They do not exist and will not again exist. Their work was done and they disbanded. The Templars were an iteration of the Celtic Army, which iterates variously through the centuries, including today, as for example, the U.S. Army and others. Certain Teutonic Knights maintained associations after the 14th Century -- and were responsible for Martin Luther living, as well as conducive to developments both in Germany and Yale. Teutonic Knights were iterations of the Slavic Army, which like the Celtic Army is Aryan. The Slavic and Celtic Armies are fundamentally allied in purpose, which is to maintain human values. No secret society has such a purpose, they cannot have and remain secret. No secret society has an Honor Code that specifies the same treatment for non-members as for members. The West Point Honor Code -- and the military code of honor in general and historically -- does exactly that. So only the Army is capable of creating conditions that allow lions and lambs to lie together, and only the Army will do that, and by excluding the presence and agendas of secret societies. The desire for using military as police force is an agenda of members of a secret society contemplating life as money controlled by private entities replacing governments and using military force to implement their wishes. "Lions and lambs lying down together" is not envisioned by holders of this agenda. World-wide economic domination, enforced by a romanticized "The Templars" (aka the U.S. Army acting as an enforcement tool for private aggrandizement), is envisioned by holders of this agenda. This agenda is a call for civil war. It is a ludicrous goal that can only exist in a cabal. It is crafty but not intelligent. It is unraveling as we speak. The U.S. Army is loyal to the Constitution of the United States and will never go along with becoming an enforcement tool ("a police force") for private interests. Our military personnel will not go along with the agendas of secret societies, including any that might arise in their midst. Neither -- and especially -- will the Church. S&B |
The pictures at the top of this page represent
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
the Mellifluous Doctor.
Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)