
By The Rev. David R. Graham

Contrapunctus XXXII

Al Qaeda, Hamas,
And The Muslim Brotherhood:
An Analytical Miscellany


Contrapunctus XXXI

Where Is The Church?


Contrapunctus XXX



Contrapunctus XXIX

An Offer To Help


Contrapunctus XXVIII

The Need For Declaration Of War


Contrapunctus XXVII

Who Is Right And Who Is Wrong?


Contrapunctus XXVI

A Humour Piece (Not By Me)


Contrapunctus XXV

What It's All About


Contrapunctus XXIV

Constant Mission, Adjusting Ministries


Contrapunctus XXIII

Military Force and Police Force


Contrapunctus XXII

Warning Order For Muslims


Contrapunctus XXI

Uniform Code of
Spiritual Justice


Contrapunctus XX

Not "Reincarnation"


Contrapunctus XIX

The Knights Templar ...
*Cinema Paradiso*


Contrapunctus XVIII

Unity and
the Condition of Man


Contrapunctus XVII

"Affirmative Action"
and "Race Reparations"


Contrapunctus XVI

Theology and Technology:
Co-Incidence of Co-Operators

The pictures at the top of this page represent
the Knights Templar, Devotees of Siva and
Protectors of Truth and Pilgrims.

Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
Theological Geography