The Association of Graduates' main object in creating The Friends was to broaden the nationwide base of support for West Point's values and programs. This would be accomplished by enlisting into the organization's ranks people from all walks of life who have feelings of respect and affection for the Academy, but who are not otherwise qualified to belong to the AOG as Regular or Associate Members. We hope that many cadet parents -- who may join as individuals or couples -- will want to become Friends.

The procedure for doing so is straightforward. First you must obtain the backing of two West Point graduates who will sign your nomination form. Then you must fill out an application form and write a brief statement of the reasons why you should be considered for membership. Finally, you must submit all of these materials to the AOG:

Alumni Support Office
Association of Graduates
ATTN: Friends of West Point
698 Mills Road
West Point, NY 10996

All applications will go forward to the AOG's Board of Trustees for review and upon the approval of the Board, the AOG will request payment of a $50 fee. Once the fee is received, you will become Friends for life.

As tokens of an enduring connection to the Academy, all Friends will receive:

  1. A certificate suitable for framing from the President of the AOG.
  2. A lapel pin.
  3. A car window decal.
  4. Admission to pre- and post-game open houses at the Alumni Center on Football Saturdays.
  5. The privilege of booking events such as meetings or receptions in the Alumni Center.
  6. A one-year subscription to Assembly, the AOG's magazine, renewable at the Friend's discretion.
  7. Periodic communiqués from the Superintendent, the Chairman of the AOG, and other Academy or AOG officials.
  8. A subscription to First Call, an AOG newsletter, if desired.
  9. Access to a page on the AOG website devoted to The Friends.
  10. Access to a Friends' list server, if desired.
  11. The warmest possible welcome from the Alumni Support staff any time a Friend visits.

For further information, contact John Calabro, Vice President for Alumni Support, AOG: (845) 446-1510.

Application Form       MSWord Document
Nomination Form       MSWord Document
Parents Fact Sheet       MSWord Document