Prayerbook For A Common Faith

Prayerbook for a Common Faith is an effort to supply a need of humanity for a common referent in the area of piety and religious practice. The assumption of all such efforts is that a commonality does exist and that it is the point or set of points from which and to which effective piety refers. Similar efforts have been made in the past: Paul using common Greek, Jerome using common Latin, Luther using common German, Calvin using common French, Cranmer using common English. The intention always is to find, employ and expand the common ground so as to include all beings in the spiritual procession Godward.

The Common Faith indicated is confidence and participation in the words and word of the Lord: "For the protection of the righteous, for the punishment of evil doers and for the re-establishment of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love I incarnate from age to age."

Prayerbook for a Common Faith is a work in progress. Your contributions will be gratefully received. If you would like to offer more of a hand in the process, please so indicate. Mail may be addressed to The Rev. David R. Graham . This is a non-commercial activity. To secure that end and for no other reason, Prayerbook for a Common Faith is copyrighted by MaryRuth C. Graham and may not be republished for profit or sold in any way for any purpose. It is a gift freely given for the enjoyment and uplift of our brothers and sisters. Commercial interests are not welcome.

Prayerbook for a Common Faith

Desire. A song by David R. Graham.

Cantos. A collation of Christian Scriptures by David R. Graham.

Cadet Prayer. From the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.

Universal Prayer. From Sri Swami Sivananda.

Hymns Great and Small. New hymns for favorite Christian tunes, plus a Sanskrit Primer.

The Botanical Metaphor. Clarification of Psalm I and Goethe's ... Truth's ! ... prius or fundamentum.

A Canticle from the Emptiness. A translation from the Italian of the Canticle of St. Francis of Assisi.

A Programme of Joint Worship. Compiled by Professor Robert E. Hume, 1928.

The Breviary of Adwaitha Hermitage. A catholic breviary-in-process.

A Most Abbreviated Sanskrit Primer. ... mainly for Ramayana. Sanskrit is the Ur-Sprache of mankind.

La Messe Sur La Monde / Mass On The World (1991).
La Messe Sur La Monde / Mass On The World (2007). A Catholic Mass.


The drawing at the top of this page was made by Mary Graham after the original drawn on the back of an envelope by Swami Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 1972. Its title is The Sarva Dharma Symbol and it is part of The Divine Proportion, a coloring book from Adwaitha Hermitage. Here is a fuller discussion of The Sarva Dharma Symbol.

Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
The Studio of Adwaitha Hermitage