
I ... II

A Reconstruction from David R. Graham

1 ... 6 ... 11 ... 18 ... 21 ... 24 ... 29 ... 32 ... 34 ... 38 ... 41 ... 43 ... 47

It is far better to spend ten minutes on earth as a swan than ten years as a duck.
Swami Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba




Religions are different, although samely sourced.
God is everywhere and always the same.

Religions are cups. God is the Water.
We drink the Water, not the cup ....

Religions are menus. God is the Meal.
We eat the Meal, not the menu ....

Where do the cups come from?
Why should we be concerned with the cups?

If we find the origin of the cup,
we find the nature of the cup.

The nature of the cup
is the nature of the religion it is.

Why find the nature
of the religion, the cup?
The Water will always be the same,
so why examine the container?

Some cups are dirty
and give polluted Water.
Some cups have false bottoms
and don't give enough Water.
Some cups have holes in them
that let the Water run out.
Some cups are so flimsy
they break in your hand and
cause injury.

In other words,
some cups prevent the Essence, the Liquid,
from achieving Its Goal, which is,
giving nourishment.

A genuine cup (religion)
can be used to get

An ingenuine cup (religion)
should be shunned because it
prevents nourishment.

What is ingenuine is ingenetic.



The Water precedes the cup,
the Contained precedes the container.
The cup occurs in answer to the need
to canalize the Water,
to make it usable.

Truth is not productive in
the form-less state.
When Truth is embodied,
It has potential,
It is genetic.

Truth takes the form of a religion
in order to reproduce Itself --
in order to play.

The penetrating purity of Sages produces
revelation of the Truth.

In the presence of such a revelation
a religion forms, automatically.

Religions originate in the Hermitages of Sages.

A thing and its nature is one and the same.
A religion is the Truth.
This is why a religion, itself, is revered.

If one desires to practice
a religion,
one should cognize and practice
that religion that developed
around a Sage's revelation
of the Truth.

From the clergy's point of view,
rigorous exactitude and uninterrupted concentration
are indispensable qualities of religious practice.

Not formalism but defection of form
makes our modern religious practice
unsatisfying (nutritionless).

Form should be pristine
(original and pure, as it
came up around the Sage Whose
purity produced it)
so that Truth will be present,
so that nourishment will occur.

The purity of the practice
the effectiveness of the result.

Pure ends, pure means is
the way to Blessedness.



Whether we are aware of it or not,
the world is always acting as the unit it is.

Spiritual revivals are world-wide.
They occur concurrently in several areas,
among several peoples.

The emphases and effects
of a spiritual revival
differ by area and people.
Circumstances are accommodated.

In one place,
revival occurs within existing usage.
In another,
it produces a new religion.

Means accommodate time and taste.
Whether a blue cup or a green one
is preferred,
the water within is the same
and is taken to the same end.

go by different names,
in different dresses,
and perhaps even to different

Their end, however,
is always and everywhere the same.
Ultimates are one and the same.

Consider the 6th Century BCE:
In China, Confucius and Lao Tzu.
In Palestine, Jeremiah and Habakkuk.
In Persia, Cyrus I.
In Greater Greece, Pythagoras.
In India, Gauthama.

In one place a religion was expanded -- China.
In another, purified -- Palestine.
In another, made to flower -- Persia.
In another, fortified -- Greater Greece.
In another, created -- India.

But all under a single Ægis,
a Providential throwing wide
the Flood-Gates of Grace.

And all at once.

Consider, again:
The Tyrant John was convinced
to sign the Magna Carta
three years and two months
after Clare joined Francis.

Again, all under a single Ægis,
a Providential throwing wide
the Flood-Gates of Grace.

And again, historically speaking, all at once.



Christian ontogenesis is Vedic phylokenesis.
Christianity is a product of India.
This fact may seem less than evident.

The religion of India
-- the religion which is India --
is called Sanathana Dharma.

Sanathana means Beginningless, Endless, Eternal.
Dharma is the strength
which holds the consciousness bound to Truth.
Sometimes, Dharma is transducted into English
as Morality or Proper Conduct.

Eternal Propriety would not be an incorrect
transduction into English of Sanathana Dharma.

All of the religions,
spiritual disciplines,
which man employs to earn the Grace of God
derive from one source:
Sanathana Dharma, India.

India is the spiritual heart of this planet.
Sanathana Dharma is its Sweet Essence.



Hinduism is a new religion
relative to the duration of human culture.
Its ancestor is Sanathana Dharma.

There are two principle types
of Hinduism: Vaishnava and Saivism.

Vaishnava, or, Vaishnavite Religion,
concentrates on worship
of the two great (Poorna, Full)
Incarnations (Avathars) of God Vishnu:
Rama and Krishna.

Rama belongs to @ 200,000 BCE.
Krishna belongs to 3800 BCE.

Vaishnavites chant the Name, Hari.

Saivism, or, Saivite Religion
concentrates on worship
of God Siva (Shiva).

Concordant with Vedic declaration,
God Siva is just now incarnating
in a series of three Poorna Avathars:

Shirdi Sai Baba (last century), Siva alone;
Sathya Sai Baba (this century), Siva and Parvathi together;
Prema Sai Baba (next century), Parvathi alone.

Saivites chant the Name, OM Nama Shivaiya.



The religion of Persia is called Zoroastrianism.
Zoroastrianism is a reformation
of an ancient Vedic Religion
which is called Mazdaya, or,
Mazdayasnin Religion.

Mazdayasnin Religion was Vaishnava in Persia.

Zoroastrianism was founded by Sage Zarathustra,
Who belongs to the period of 9000 BCE.

There is confusion about when
Zarathustra lived
because several figures bear his name.
The name came into use as a generic for
spiritual guide or pontiff.

The Source, Zarathustra Himself,
is a figure of Dwapara Yuga.
He ante-dates Krishna.

Zarathustra is the inspiration for
Nietzsche's poem and Strauss's tone poem
describing the elevation of spirit above
the banalities of common sentiment
that pass for religion.

Today, adherents of Zoroastrianism
call themselves Parsis and Baha'is.

Parsis live mostly in India.
Baha'is comprise a world-wide
community of spiritual vigor and sweetness.

The language of Persia is a species
of Sanskrit called Avesta.

Persia (Iran) has always been
in the orbit of Sanathana Dharma.



Palestinian Religion is twice-sourced.
It derives from Vaishnava on the one hand
and from Saivism on the other.

Abraham was a Persian representative
of Zoroastrian Religion, or, Vaishnava.

Moses was an Aramean representative
of Afro-Egyptian Religion, or, Saivism.

Texts have been linked to suggest
a connection between these
two sources of Palestinian Religion.
And there is a connection, which is
at the common root, Sanathana Dharma.

But there are different emphases in these
two sources of Palestinian Religion.
And really speaking,
these are two religions that coexist
not without periods of disharmony.

The pre-histories of Genesis
are memory tracks of various origin
and arguable termini ad quo.

Some reflect the Treta Yuga,
when the Rama Avathar ruled
the entire planet.

Some reflect the Dwapara Yuga,
when the Pandava Brothers ruled
the entire planet.

The principal significance of these
is to connect Palestinian Religion
with its Ur-Type,
the Vedic Age,
or, Sanathana Dharma.



Spiritual revivals are world-wide.
They occur concurrently in several areas,
among several peoples.

The Jewish calendar illustrates this fact.
It puts the creation of the world
at about 3800 BCE.

This is the moment that
the Krishna Avathar
is closing Dwapara Yuga
and inaugurating Kali Yuga.

The transition from
one epoch (Yuga)
of spiritual history
to another
is accurately spoken of as
the creation of the world.

A supremely accurate chronology,
the Jewish calendar is tracking
the Kali Yuga,
which has some 7000 years
still to run.



Abraham dates from @ 3800 BCE,
the inauguration of Kali Yuga.
Vyasa is composing the Cantos
that portray the Krishna Avathar.

Abraham and the Krishna Avathar
are connected causally.

This is an important fact regarding all
modern Semitic religions:
Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The ætiology of the species
is pure, grand and Holy.

Abraham was an adherent of
Zoroastrian Religion, a Persian.
He practiced a version of the ancient
Vaishnava called Mazdaya.

When he moved into Palestine and environs,
Abraham was welcomed by Palestinian Sages,
who had sent for him.

His purpose was to propagate Sanathana Dharma.
He was a Persian missionary to Palestine.
He came to Palestine to invigorate
Vaishnavite Religion that had
deteriorated through neglect.

The significance is that
the foundation of Semitic Religion
is Vaishnava of Persian pen-origin.

We observe the fact operating
in Cyrus the Great's
repatriation of Judeans
and in his encouraging
them to reestablish the
Vaishnava of their homeland.

Like Napoleon of Bohemians
(French and they are both Celts),
Cyrus was aware of Persian
with Palestinians.



Moses dates from between 1500 and 2500 BCE.
He represents an Aramean (nomadic) population
that got detained in Egypt against its will.

Egypt is Africa. African Religion is Saivite
for as far back as anyone can see.

The significance is that
the foundation of Semitic Religion
is Saivism of African pen-origin.

We observe the fact operating
in Joshua's not taking Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was an outpost of
Egyptian (African) Saivism
for millennia before Abraham
and for millennia after him.

It was to Joshua
a co-religionist area,
not a threat,
and therefore,
not an objective.



Semitic Religion comprises
a mixture of two different
but samely-sourced religions:
Vaishnava and Saivism.

Vaishnava is connected with Abraham
and Persia.
Saivism is connected with Moses
and Africa.

Since Vaishnava and Saivism
derive from Sanathana Dharma,
from India,
the foundation of Semitic Religion
is Sanathana Dharma of Indian ult-origin.

This fact is seen in
the story of Abraham and Melchizedek.



The peduncles of world civilization
are long out of sight.
But, they are not, by that fact,

The evidence in the mounds
is not deep enough
to make sense of history.
Resort has to be made
to the evidence of Scripture.

Scripture is the rubrics
the species employs
to form and to propagate

Scripture is produced in monasteries,
which are, in fact,
the nursery of the Universe.

The peduncles of world civilization
are in these Scriptures,
in the monasteries.

Just as music is what is heard,
not the notes on the page,
so too,
Scripture is what is Heard,
not the words on the page.

Das Wort of German scholarship,
Logos of Greek Theology and
Sruthi of Vedic Parlance
is not the word on the page
but the Thing that is Heard
by the believer ...

that is which is heard
by Sages as Divine Sound ...
words and sounds
uttered by God ...

that which is heard
and held as a treasure
in the memories of men ...

that which is heard
in moments
of supraconscious ecstasy
by purified scholars
doing spiritual practice.



Vaishnava and Saivism are not
mutual exclusives.

One is more appropriate to a Yuga
than another is,
but both are appropriate
in the absolute sense at all times,
during all Yugas.

It is a matter of emphasis, not of exclusivity.



The picture at the top of this page was drawn by Mary Graham and colored by her, also. Its title is Apolo Kivebulaya and it is part of Faces of the Incarnation, a coloring book from Adwaitha Hermitage.

Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
Catechesis For The Sai Era
Reminiscences from the North Sea